Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Abagayle turns 5

Abagayle turned 5 last Sunday I can't believe it. I wasn't emotional at all until I started to upload pics for the post. She is so big now. She is amazing! She is so smart and sassy and stubborn which I remind myself will be a good thing one day:) She will be in kindergarten this next year! She is such a good helper at almost everything, when she is in the mood. Aren't we all like that. She really wanted a Rainbow Brite for her birthday and she hasn't let go of it since, exceptto shrae with Lorelei. Here are some of my favorite Abagayle shots!

This was at the bounce house for her party earlier in the week.
The group of girls at the party!
This was like a year or a year andhalf ago, she was being "fabulous" Sharpay from HSM2.
Rock Star day at preschool, with dad concert shirts on
Tulip festival in Woodbridge.
Passed out at the ocean hotel I believe :)
My princess
I love this picture of her!
This was our first Christmas in Portland :)
We were making some pumpkin roll. I think she was about 17 months here
The pumpkin patch
So tired at the family reunion.
This was at Tahoe. She was crying so hard cause she couldn't see over the edge of the bowl that she still have food left. Third helping that night.
This is the all time classic/favorite Abagayle shot! She loved her binki's soooo much. One day she shoved two in:)
We love you so much Abagayle!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

wow that is crazy! happy birthday Abagayle :)