Abagayle and I have been have some trying times lately. She is just melting down at the drop of a hat. Now normally this happens between 4pm and bedtime, so I chalk it up to being tired. OH BOY have I been wrong!! I think we have hit the TERRIBLE TWOS! Now she has always been a little bit of a boss, and tantrums came now and again. But lately the meltdowns seem like all day. Take today, we had been awake for about an hour, she is screaming and crying about I do not know what. I am, of course, on the phone with a dr office and I cannot hear the lady. I actually have to lock myself in the bathroom and ask the nurse to speak louder! How embarrassing! I have no idea what she wanted, she continued to yell something for a few min. She did manage to calm down after about 10 min of me holding her (while she was screaming) So mom starts the day with a headache, this rulz! I love being a mom :)
This is when she is my favorite! ;)
PS Jackson has a cold right now, so needless to say he is a little more whinny then normal.