WOW!! My baby turned 4 on Wednesday, the 2nd. I cannot believe it has been 4 years already. When we had him we had just moved to Bellingham, WA a couple months before. Brandon had just started his junior year at WWU. Now we live in Portland, OR and Brandon is in his second year chiropratic college. He is growing into quite the little boy. He amazes me everyday with his knowledge. As I am throwing away a can, he tells me "Mom don't put that in the garbage, that is recycle!" He is constantly asking for a little brother, not a sister like Abagayle. However the two of them are becoming best friends. If they are both getting in trouble for something, he is quick to tell me to leave his sister alone.
For his birthday we had quite the fun day. He woke up to about 20 balloons on the floor, a big red one tied to his chair and cupcakes at the table. He did get one small present on Wednesday, a Capt. Jack Sparrow action figure.
We went to the spagetti factory for dinner for his birthday. The Goodman family joined us for the occaision. We surprised him with the pirate cake that he really wanted. He was really excited!! Some pictures from the night.
Thanks for pickin up the pirate hats, the Goodmans are so good to us
She is sooooo dang cute!
Happy Birthday Jackson! Thanks for letting us come to your birthday dinner!!!
Cute! Happy Birthday Jackson!!!
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