Thursday, January 10, 2008

I love two year olds

Abagayle and I have been have some trying times lately. She is just melting down at the drop of a hat. Now normally this happens between 4pm and bedtime, so I chalk it up to being tired. OH BOY have I been wrong!! I think we have hit the TERRIBLE TWOS! Now she has always been a little bit of a boss, and tantrums came now and again. But lately the meltdowns seem like all day. Take today, we had been awake for about an hour, she is screaming and crying about I do not know what. I am, of course, on the phone with a dr office and I cannot hear the lady. I actually have to lock myself in the bathroom and ask the nurse to speak louder! How embarrassing! I have no idea what she wanted, she continued to yell something for a few min. She did manage to calm down after about 10 min of me holding her (while she was screaming) So mom starts the day with a headache, this rulz! I love being a mom :)

This is when she is my favorite! ;)

PS Jackson has a cold right now, so needless to say he is a little more whinny then normal.


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, I really do! Most days I think it would be easier to have a busload of boys than one bossy, tantrum-throwing girl. Sorry...I just realized that I'm not giving you much hope :O.

Sonnet and Cameron said...

Ummm, yeah... I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. Do you recall our conversation last night? Or could you hear me over his crying? This is why we have our own support group right? To get us throught the rough patches. Hang in there...

Jessie said...

i feel your pain! sophia is so whiny right now, she has a cold and all she does is cry :( ahh, hehe

Goodman Family said...

Sounds like my house. Seriously I have had to ask people to yell at me so I could hear them.

Ya I like it best when they are peacefully sleeping like little angels...

Joel and Kristie said...

I totally know what you mean!!! I'm soooo sorry you had a rough day!!! I promise it gets better, Especially when they start school all day!!HEHE!!!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like your a little whiny right now

The Johnston's said...

What is up with the spontaneous super spazz attacks?!! I hear ya! Xander is going through the same thing. He'll be fine one minute and having a meltdown the next! YIKES!! Just know that you aren't alone!