Jackson and Abagayle cannot get enough of Lorelei. They want to hold her all the time. Jackson will read her stories to try and help keep her awake and Abagayle has been singing twinkle twinkle to her. They are so helpful, I am so blessed to have such great kids.
Lorelei is doing well. We have had a couple good nights of sleep and bad one, so hopefully we can back to the good sleeping at night. She spends her days eating, sleeping and sometimes she will stay awake for an hour then she is so tired. It is hard work to keep your eyes open that long :)
I am recovering alright, still sore but nothing unexpected. Thank you for the calls, emails and well wishes.
Dad is doing well too, he is adjusting like me to the new sleeping pattern :) He started work again but thankfully has the weekend off and starts again on Monday.
I will try to post new stuff as I can :)

This was still in the hospital
Jackson loving to hold her, all by himself.
Abagayle holding her, after about 2 min. Abagayle says "Her too heavy" and then another 2 min and she wants to hold her again :)