Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day!

We had such a fun day! I made little cakes for the kids to wake up to and Brandon stopped by the Winco bulk candy section :) I got them a little coloring thing to have in the morning too. They were so excited when they saw the table, they came running up to tell up all the fun things that someone let downstairs for them.
We went to Costco and got Brandon his valentines/birthday gift- Ipodtouch and came home to have a relaxing day. Dad came home with roses for mom and a rose for each of his kids! What a man!
Plus we made tons of fun valentines cards and decorated cookies, thanks gracie for coming over and playing with us.

1 comment:

Nicholas said...

I think some of those candies may have found their way into my locker. I also think that two days ago that candy's all I ate the entire day! :)
