Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lorlei Six Months Old

She is getting so big. She had a dr appt the day before she was six months: she weighed 21 lbs 6oz and was 28 and 1/2 inches tall, yikes!! She is huge. She has just about out grown all her 6-12 months clothes, she wears either 12 months or 12 -18 months :)
She rolls all over the house, she started to scoot backwards, she gets up on her hands and knees and bounces I am sure crawling is soon :0 ) She sits up great! Plus today, she pushed herself up from laying on her tummy to the sitting position. She is amazing! She loves to babbles and spit/raspberries. Lorelei loves it when Jackson and Abagayle play with her. Abgayle had her laughing so hard the other day that she had horrible hiccups but still couldn't stop laughing. She has been eating fruits and veggies for a bit. Over the last month we have given her little veggie puffs, biter biscuits, some of my homemade blueberry wheat muffins (more to come on that), cantaloupe (which she loved) and lots of other things. She loves water! We are so blessed to have her in our lives. Sometimes I forget that at the 2am feedings :)
Loved the Popsicle!
She had been eating watermelon for about 15 min she was done, but loved it!

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