Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Trip

So we headed out to Sauve Island for a pumpkin patch trip. Brandon requested to be off at 3pm on Sat so we could go. We asked the kids if they wanted to got to the same one we went to the last two years or try a new one. Shock to me they wanted to try the new one. It was really fun. It hadn't rained all week, so it was nice and dry, not muddy :) The kids did have a cold so we bundled them up good and popped Lorelei in the suggley ( i do not know how to spell that).
They climed up the hay pyrimd then rolled down it, at dad's urging :)

The kids got to play on the bounce toys for quite a while which was really fun for them.
Then we headed over to the pumpkin slingshot. The kids loved it. Dad helped them pull the loaded slingshot back and then let it fly toward a huge wood cut out of a pumpkin. If you hit the pumpkin you got a free small pumpkin from the patch. Brandon was able to hit it twice, out of five time, which was pretty good! It was nice because each of the kids "got to hit" the pumpkin and get a ticket.
Then we headed over to the tractor/hay ride to go out to the pumpkin patch. I grabbed a wagon and walked out there with Lorelei, while Brandon rode the tractor with them.
After finding the perfect pumpkin and everyone having a turn pulling the wagon, we headed over for some corn on the cob. That is the kids favorite part, buying some cooked corn on the cob and going to town.
The kids were pretty much toast at this point so Dad pulled them and the pumpkins to the car in the wagon.

We got to the van and took off our shoes, because oh yeah my kids found the one muddy place on the entire farm :) We snuggled them in with some blankets from the emergency kit and gave them some hot cocoa. They were pooped.

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